Thursday, January 17, 2013

Now, just waiting...

Well, it looks like it's time to practice patience for  a while.  We met with the second plastic surgeon on Monday and then had the follow-up with the breast surgeon (he is the one that will do the mastectomies).  I don't think the surgery will happen until late February, early March.  Hopefully everything will get scheduled in the next couple of days.

I've decided to go with the less complicated reconstruction surgery.  The technique that uses harvested and redirected latissimus dorsi (back) muscle results in a loss of strength in my back.  It was difficult conveying to one of the plastic surgeons how important it is for me to be able to drive fence posts, pick up feed sacks and pull back my 50 lb compound bow (remember, I recently committed to becoming a deer slayer).  If I'm always going to be reminded of my health challenge in the front, I'd rather not be reminded about it in the back.  The reconstruction surgery decision is a personal one and every patient has to weigh the factors to each option.  Throughout this process it has been interesting how much of an emphasis has been put on aesthetics.  We spent A LOT of time in the office looking at pictures of topless women and how the two techniques differ.  I mean, I want the girls to look good, but my breasts have never been a physical feature with which I've led.  I want to be satisfied with the end result, but I've never thought to myself, "man, my knockers are awesome and I don't know what I'd ever do without them,"....never.  I know, shocking.

Overall, I feel really good about the team of doctors and nurses we have and can't say enough about the community/family/friend support we have received.  I am so thankful for the network of cancer survivors that have made themselves available to my incessant questioning and concerns.  What a great basket of resources we have here in Northwest Arkansas.

So, now I just wait and work towards getting prepared for the big surgery and and all the smaller procedures that will follow.  I need to work on my flexibility and core strength.  After the node biopsy, I realized how easily everything becomes soft and atrophied laying in bed.  I also find myself defaulting to a hunched position to avoid stretching out my incisions.  All that being said, I should be exercising more.  And, boy am I excited about that.....

A couple of funny observances over the last couple of weeks:
-  Being freaked out by an unknown cultural trend when I decided to look up "implants" on Pinterest.  Beware.  You've been warned.
-  How many women now tell me about their augmented breasts.  Thank you ladies for sharing and I'm glad you are enjoying them!
-  I've probably said and heard "areola" more in the last couple of weeks than I have the last 34 years.
-  Having to decide whether or not I want photos of my breasts to be published on my surgeon's website, in-office scrapbook, in print ads or in television ads.  Watch the billboard at the corner of I540 and Wagon Wheel....sneak peek coming soon!

Thanks to all for the support!

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