Friday, August 9, 2013

The Promoter

In the last couple of weeks, I have had a number of people tell me that they have been reading my blog and that it has helped them through their own difficult time.  I've met some of these women face-to-face and some have messaged me.  It is actually a little overwhelming for me.  I started this blog as kind of a vent session, free therapy, f-you to cancer.  "Take that cancer.  I'm going to fight you tooth and nail and I'm not going to let you take a foothold in my life.  I'm going to be funny and irreverent and I'm going to let everyone marvel in how well I'm handling it all."

You like the slight overtone of martyrdom in that line of thinking?

I've had people tell me that they just don't know how I keep things so positive and that they would never be able to have such a good attitude about something like this. It's challenging to respond to those types of comments.  I almost want to apologize or try and minimize my situation.  Look, it's been a shitty, but people go through all kinds of hardships and trials in their lives.  I've had a number of years to think about this possibility and to wrap my head around it.

Do I feel sorry for myself sometimes?  Yes.
Do I wish I could go hang out at the beach for a week rather than hanging out in bed watching Firefly (I could write a whole post about why that show needs to be brought back)?  Yes.
Do I want my old body back without the eight latest scars and combined 800 cc's of silicone.  Yes.
Did it kill me?  NO!

So, there you go.  It didn't kill me and some would argue that it has made me stronger.  I'm not sure about that, but it has definitely helped me relate to other people that are going through similar things.  And this is how I've realized I can help other people.  I'm that plucky, slightly unpredictable friend that is going to offer to do anything to help you get through your difficult situation.

I'll listen. 
I'll acknowledge that it's not fair, but neither is life.
I'll help you come up with a plan.  I'll remind you that the plan will change and we'll change with it.
I'll advocate for you.
I'll fight for you....and I mean backwoods, Madison County fight.
I'll add people to your team.  You probably already have them waiting on the bench, you just need some encouragement to put them in the game.
I'll tell you all the things the doctors won't and help you get ready for them.
I'll tell you that you are strong, resilient and that you are ready for this fight.
I'll show you my boobs...if you thought that would help.

Not everyone can handle every aspect of that friend in their life, but you can choose which part of me you want (except the boob showing, that really needs to be in-person and only special situations).  Read what you want, skip over the other parts that annoy you.  This is me.  I'm a Virgo, a fixer.  I'm the "Promoter" personality on the DiSC profile.  I was voted Most School Spirit in high school.  I want to help you realize your potential.  You can do this!  You too, will get through this. It may not turn out the way you wanted and the path may be difficult and rough, but there will be bright spots and there will be positives.

And really...what's the alternative?


  1. Hi there. My friend Cara that was a h.s. classmate of yours is now my friend through grad school. She asked if she could share your blog with me after I shared my diagnosis with her. As I chill at home recovering from my mastectomy of a week ago, I decided to poke around. And boy, have you sucked me in. Little details already resonate with the start of my crazy trip as well as how you describe it and have approached it. Total creeper moment but I think we would probably be friends. I'm like, hey! I am a Junior Leaguer! I am a Virgo! I am watching Downton Abbey and my husband loves Brit zombie movies. ANYWAY after quietly reading and nodding and smiling... This post made me want to reach out. Just because... I get it. How else can we respond and cope? All my best and thanks for keeping it real and accidently being part of my own recovery therapy.

    1. Cori, let's be friends now!! If you are a friend of Cara's, you must be cool. Thinking of you during your journey. Message me if there is anything you want to discuss offline
      You're a badass!
