Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Recalibration of Expectations

Do you like that term?  I made it up a few weeks ago and have been using it more and more.  I feel like it accurately describes what I don't do often enough. I seem to just keep ticking along in my life, without readjusting my outlook.  I've had some major changes recently and for a while, I was not recalibrating my expectations.  I thought that I could keep doing things that I used to do or feel the same way as before the event.

Sometimes the situation calls for a recalibration of other people's the south, we call it a "come to Jesus meeting".   I've been having a few of these interactions as well lately.  These don't have to be confrontational interactions, just a good time to let the other party know how your expectations have changed.  Either they can change with you or you can work on being comfortable with the new dynamic.

Isn't that what most of us desire?  We just want to know what is expected of us so we don't let anyone down or we can manage the desired results early in the process.

How I have recalibrated recently:
-  I will not expect my house to be clean except for the first hour after my cleaning gal leaves and we aren't home.  I will continue to expect that the house will pass the sanitary standards of the local convenient store bathroom (maybe even a step above), but I won't stress out about other things.  It's not worth it.
-  I will not expect to have the same schedule I did before my surgery.  While I'm not sick or in much pain, I still don't have the energy that I used to.  It's important for me to be home most evenings and get a full night's sleep.
-  I will take more time to enjoy the small moments with my husband and sweet kiddo.  I will forego bigger events to spend more time with them.
-  I will not expect my body to look or function like it used to.  I have had a major change and I will have a new "normal".  I need to stop comparing the new with the old.
-  I will expect more time for myself and I will work on not feeling guilty about it.

So think about it.  Do you need a recalibration of expectations in your life?  Do you need to recalibrate the expectations that someone has of you?  Now is as good of time as any.  You can even call it a "come to Jesus meeting" if you want....but only in the south.

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